Thursday, September 17, 2009

Related blog, photographs, and video

by Terry Thornton

Readers interested in other Hill Country counties of Northeast Mississippi may find some of the articles posted at Preserving Itawamba County's Heritage of interest. This new blog is an attempt to document a preservation project of a historic home currently underway in Fulton, Mississippi. Photographs and videos are posted about the project along with several articles documenting the home's history and some of its early occupants.

The "Through the Windshield Videos" not only shows the house in relationship to downtown Fulton, the tour goes onto the campus of Itawamba Community College for a brief look at this education facility.

Links to the exterior photographs of the house and to the five-part video tour are in the left side-bar of Preserving Itawamba County's Heritage.

Interior photographs and video will be posted soon --- the preservation committee is meeting tonight, September 17, for a brief walk-through of the house at 5:30 PM followed by a planning meeting at 6:00 PM at the Christian Life Center, Fulton United Methodist Church. The public is invited to all these functions and to all meetings of the PICH.

Additional information about the Gaither House Preservation Project

The Preserving Itawamba County's Heritage committee has taken on its first preservation project --- The Cedars or the Cates-Gaither House on Main Street in Fulton, Mississippi. Built about 1860, the house started as a basic four-room dog-trot building which evolved into one of the landmark homes of Fulton. The Cedars is one of the oldest surviving structures from early Fulton.

Owned by the Fulton United Methodist Church, the house has been offered as a gift to the citizens of Itawamba County and of the Hill Country if a group would develop the house as a historical structure and make it available to the community. The Church also offered a small lot on Main Street just west of the house's current position for The Cedars new location.

The Preserving Itawamba County's Heritage committee formed to study this preservation and relocation task --- and have adopted the project as its first effort. The CREATE Foundation of Tupelo has approved the Gaither House Project Fund as a special project --- and your tax-deductible donations are being accepted to help with the restoration/relocation.

Current plans are to remove the original dog-trot portion of the house and locate it just west of the house's current position, restore it to its original configuration, and to maintain it as a historical building from early Fulton/Itawamba County.

If you have questions about this preservation project, feel free to contact me for additional information.

Terry Thornton
Treasurer, Preserving Itawamba County's Heritage
Fulton, Mississippi

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